Their headquarters is also located in München, currently in the district of Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied (Neuaubing). According to their website (, they have around 600 members of the association. They do however more than just keep the organization afloat. First, they organize five quite large conventions – aniMUC in Fürstenfeldbruck next to München, Connichi in Kassel, NiSa-Con in Branderburg, Hanami in Ludwigshafen am Rhein and J-Con in Merzig (Saarland). They also used to organize YukiCon in Stuttgart. Of course, these events are organized by different teams, but still under the umbrella of the organization. In addition to that, they organize regular anime fans meetings in many different cities (by the local clubs associated in the organization) and also the Deutsche Cosplaymeisterschaft (the German Cosplay Championship). They also run an e-zin called animePRO. But wait, there is more! (previous | next | back to album | 2022:07:17 13:58:12 | 92% of an album)