Rules of conduct, Matinee; Distance, Mask, Hygiene, Follow instructions, Ask the paramedics; Note the walking directions - In order to keep people from going at each other and to have sufficient space for social distancing, there are walking directions in a form of a cross. Watch the arrows on the floor. Of course, you can go through them several times.; Watch your hall ticket - everyone receives on the entrance to the hall a ticket for the small world in Hall XY, so that it won't get too crowded. Please, keep it in the Hall with you and keep an eye on it. In order for us not to be forced to close due to overcrowding, please return the ticket at the exit.; Stand/Sit down on markings - to safely take part in our programme, please always stand or seat on the "X". Either when you want to take part in a Workshop or you want to enjoy the stage schedule. Even if you wait for the Photostation, take care of your position in the queue.; Do not move the chairs - Keep the chairs in the marked positions, even (those) at the cozy round tables, so that the distance is always kept.; All the rules you can find on our website!; Have fun! (previous | next | back to album | 2020:09:27 16:46:22 | 96% of an album)