In Hall 1 there was some space upstairs – where Workshops and Maid Cafe were located. You had to register for Workshops (nearby, but it was just a formality) and they were not just workshops, but technically speaking also discussion panels or just talks. I visited two of them (because talks are my favourite activity at conventions) and they were kinda underwheliming (and most of them were not interesting for me, but that's fine actually). The first one was about V-Tubers and although it was planned for an hour, it lasted about 30 minutes, including questions. It was made by some vtubing person, but it was rather superficial (although I learned something about German V-Tubing agencies, which is nice). The second one was a meeting with mangaka. It was fine. Both panels were obviously in German, the latter was being translated from Japanese. (previous | next | back to album | 2022:06:04 16:59:49 | 91% of an album)