Last Sunday (24th of July 2022) there was a referendum about changes in the city centre. There were two questions – Should the parking in the Talavera (an event site next to the city centre) remain free of charge? and Should the City-Zone (more pedestranized streets, free public transport in the core of the city etc.) be introduced? To my surprise, the first question had 76.02% for the idea, with the second question only 36.45% supporting the project (I was expecting it the other way around). As some of my readers might've noticed, I am strongly against “free things” sponsored by the taxpayer money, however, the free PT between the very constrained area of the city centre could have made some sense, as it would be implemented only between a few stops (I think it even wouldn't touch the area outside the Ring or something, but I didn't check, so I might be mistaken), you would still have to pay to travel almost anywhere in the city, but with trams making for some kind of a city centre travelator as well. Most people live outside of the city centre and people living in the city centre use often their feet as a main mean of transport. The tram in the city centre is also highly integrated with the space around, so it would be really like an elevator in a mall. The referendum project also assumed that you could also use the parking ticket from the Talavera as a tram and bus ticket (and probably also for the regional rail between these three stops in Würzburg). It was actually financially reasonable, as the parking is managed by the same company as the public transport (WVV) and it was planned to be expensive enough to cover all the additional costs. (previous | next | back to album | 2022:07:18 11:40:21 | 22% of an album)