It is one of two Catholic cathedrals in London, the second one is the Southwark cathedral, but not the one next to the London Bridge station (this one is Anglican), but the one next to the Tube station Lambeth North. The modern history of the Catholic Church in Great Britain is actually quite interesting. Well, after the reformation in the 16th century Catholicism was declared illegal and stayed like this until 1829, when the Catholic Relief Act was passed. There were some apostolic vicars appointed during the outlaw era, but the diocesan hierarchy was re-established by Pope Pius IX on 29 September 1850 (with the Scottish hierarchy restored in 1878). The province of Westminster and the Diocese was founded in 1850. It was based upon a missionary Apostolic VIcariate of England. It was later divided into many Apostolic Vicariates, including the Apostolic Vicariate of London District. It is now a metropolitan diocese (but not an archdiocese). (previous | next | back to album | 2020:02:10 12:34:58 | 6% of an album)