The airport is a destination for many airlines, several of them have their hubs/focus points here as well. It is a hub for British Airways (and was for many British something airlines in the past, some of which merged into British Airways in the second half of XXth century) and an important point for easyjet (UK) and WizzAir (UK, as they established a second company due to Brexit, to mitigate the complications with the UK withdrawing also from the European Common Aviation Market). Ah yes, and it is also important for TUI Airways, which makes sense, as it was encouraged in 60s and 70s by the Ministry of Aviation (wow, so many unnecessary ministries in the pre-Thatcher era) to move regular charter flights from Heathrow. (previous | next | back to album | 2020:02:12 20:16:17 | 50% of an album)