Carlsplatz, a market (the one with the real stalls), the oldest still-running one in Düsseldorf. It was built in the second half of the 18th century, but was first used as a parade ground for the French garrison during the French occupation of Düsseldorf in 1797. The Prussians also used Carlsplatz around the middle of the 19th century to exercise for their soldiers who were stationed in the barracks on Kasernenstrasse. In 1808, Carlsplatz prevailed over the market in the old town as the location for the four week-long annual markets in Düsseldorf. From 1910 Karlplatz, now written with K and without s, was finally established as a weekly market. From 1940, however, it was moved to the Schwanenmarkt, as an air raid shelter was built under Karlplatz. After the war, the market returned to Karlplatz in May 1951. (previous | next | back to album | 2020:09:27 18:09:52 | 93% of an album)