The Mayor of Eindhoven, Dr. G. W. B. Borrie, unveiled this memorial plate on October 6, 1980 on the occasion of the completion of the restoration of this building (Markt 1 - translator's note) by the Savings Bank. Between 1831 and 1911 the place was occupied by the Weight House of the municipality of Eindhoven, which also housed the Latin school until 1873 and the drawing school until 1906. Furthermore, from 1860-1903 it was the seat of the office of the Rijkstelegraaf (the Royal Telegraph). The current bank building dates back to 1911. It was designed by J. Stuyt. Due to the semi-basement, it contained a raised ground floor, which is now on the ground level. The round windows in the facase plinth has also been added. (previous | next | back to album | 2020:09:23 18:49:05 | 94% of an album)