After the relocation of the Hogeschool Utrecht from 1995, the existing bus connection was insufficient. The municipality started developing a plan for the construction of a bus lane through the city center via the route of the previously canceled light rail. This so-called inner-city axis was finally completed in 2001. In order to approach the capacity of a tram, the GVU has purchased new bi-articulated buses that were deployed in 2002 on line 12. In the spring of 2008, the Utrecht city council supported the alderman's proposal to built an express tram to the neighbourhood. The Uithoflijn (or tram 22) was put into service on Monday 16 December 2019. Starting 2022, it will be linked to the tram on the other side of the main railway station. (previous | next | back to album | 2020:10:03 13:47:42 | 44% of an album)