The university's origins date back to the 1555 decision of Duke Wilhelm V von Jülich-Kleve-Berg, to create a university for the unified duchies at the Lower Rhine. It was however created in Duisburg. Although the permission of the pope was granted in 1564 and of the emperor in 1566, the university was founded about ninety years later in 1654. The university declined rapidly and was closed on 18 October 1818. In 1968, the university was founded again in Duisburg, related to the old one. The Universität-Gesamthochschule in Essen was founded in 1972. In 2003, University in Duisburg merged with the University of Essen to form the University of Duisburg-Essen, which is today one of the largest universities in Germany (maybe). (previous | next | back to album | 2022:06:05 20:59:08 | 71% of an album)