The city of Essen has also a network of trams, that is actually more extensive than the Stadtbahn network. There are 7 lines – 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109 (the numeration follows the system created by VRR in the 80s). The funny things is that it also goes in the tunnel, that is, e.g. on station Berliner Platz (pictured here) deeper than the Stadtbahn tunnel. The tram is however on the meter gauge track and Stadtbahn on a regular, 1435 mm gauge. And also Stadtbahn sometimes goes out of the tunnel and rides like a tram. That's Stadtbahns for ye. (previous | next | back to album | 2022:06:05 21:12:04 | 80% of an album)