The UK bus system is quite interesting. It used to be completely run by the government after the big steali... nationalization scheme after the Second World War (same thing was done e.g. with the railway network and similarly there was a huge decline in ridership and many closures), but during the Thatcher era the services were privatised. Under the Transport Act 1985 the bus market has been deregulated (everywhere except London and Northern Ireland), London services were incorporated into the company called London Buses (but completely different than the one mentioned in the previous photo) and then split into several operating companies, all of which were privatized. Today the London services are managed by TfL and in other cities sometimes there are regulatory authorities as well, called PTEs (Manchester, Liverpool, South Yorkshire, Tyne and Wear, Birmingham and Leeds (West Yorkshire)), these PTEs are often incorporated into Combined Authorities (a construction similar in cause to GLA but for other cities and metro regions). (previous | next | back to album | 2020:02:11 09:43:45 | 67% of an album)