Let's talk about Arnhem trolleybus system, shall we? This is the only trolleybus system in the Netherlands still operating. There were plans before the war to convert their tram lines into trolleybuses (this way quite popular back then), but the destruction of the Arnhem tram depot was the starting point in the history of the system. The first trolleybus line was opened in 1949, between Arnhem and Velp. In the subsequent years the network was quickly expanded. Up until 1952 trolleybuses were not considered motor vehicles, therefore they needed no license plates and the city didn't have to pay corresponding taxes. Up until 1973 there used to be a separate smoking section, but it was removed when the smoking ban came into effect. The network was shortened in the late 60s and early 70s, due to declining popularity. (previous | next | back to album | 2020:09:24 19:26:43 | 79% of an album)