The first church in Benrath was constructed, probably, in 1005, where the current St. Cecilia (St. Cäcilia) Catholic church is located. This date is however disputed. The oldest record of a church there dates from the late 13th century. Even if the first church in Benrath was built later than the beginning of the 11th century, it was a small Romanesque church whose tower stood in front of that of today's church until 1929. The Romanesque nave was replaced in 1822 by a new classicist building. After this church had also become too small due to progressive industrialization and the increase in population, it was decided at the beginning of the 20th century to completely rebuild it and the current neo-Gothic church was built between 1901 and 1903. (previous | next | back to album | 2022:06:04 09:24:58 | 64% of an album)