COVID Convetions is a small data project that provides information about statues of various convention in Poland and Germany, the way they were postponed or cancelled and if when they are going to happen, if announced and not cancelled. The dataset is probably not very suitable for machine learning, but it is still an interesting historical record and might be helpful for someone like me, who wants to attend as many conventions as possible.
Most of the convention are anime conventions (or fantasy convention with an anime part), with some important exceptions. The difference between what is a convention and what is a meet-up matters – although many German anime meetups are just small anime convention in Polish classification (e.g. many Animexx meet-ups), yet I didn’t include them on my list, just because there are too many of them and therefore it is too much hassle.
The list is updated from time to time, on every update a full table with copied and updated entries is produced.
The data is published in 2 formats – an integrated OpenDocument
Spreadsheet file, with all date snapshots available and a series of CSV
files with every snapshot in a separate file, with ;
as the
cell separator and new line as the entry separator.
The information might be outdated at the moment you check it, these are just dated snapshots after all, before you make a decision about going to a convention you should check the event’s website/social media or websites like or Konwenty Południowe. Please, send any suggestions and inaccuracies reports by email covidconventions at this domain.
This work is dual-licensed under MIT and CC0 Universal. You can choose between one of them if you use this work.