~ / furiku / challenge / 2021-03-19-railway-stations-in-gdansk

2021-03-19 | All railway stations in Gdańsk | 1:38:43

You know what it's like, there're just some morning in life when you wake up and think – I wonder how long it would take to get around all 24 railway stations in Gdańsk… today (19th of March) is one of those mornings!

The first Schienenchallenge in, hopefully, a long series inspired by the Tube Challenge, Alternative Tube Challenges and one and only Geoff Marshall.

It took me 1:38:43 to visit all railway stations in Gdańsk. The rules were similar to the Tube Challenge ones, but with an important addition – I had to visit every station on every line (SKM, PKM, Regio), so e.g. even if I visited Gdańsk Główny while on a Regio train, I had to visit it also on a SKM train.

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