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Japan Fest 2022 (in Szczecin) | 8 October 2022

A small convention in Szczecin, focused on Japanese culture and organized in Gumieńce (Scheune) district of Szczecin, at the Faculty of Economics, Finance and Management of the University of Szczecin. As I mentioned, it was a pretty small convention, lasting for 8 hours (I had to leave earlier, because I had to catch the train home, but still), but the organizers seemed to be devoted and they wanted to put as much as possible into these 8 hours and the space, which was nice. Plenty of attractions were co-organized by different clubs and organizations from the region, which is also nice and utilizes the fact that this is mostly a local event (I think there weren't so many people travelling for 360+ km one way just to take part, like I did), so it should be used to promote local activities.

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