~ / furiku / trips / frankenspass / frankenspass-iv-entspannendes-franken / 2-karlstadt-am-main

2 – Karlstadt am Main

The capital of the Main-Spessart Kreis in Lower Franconia. This 15k town is practically divided into two parts – the old town on one side of the railway station (obviously closer to the river Main) and the second one on the other side of the rail line, which is like a modern settlement. The modern city hall, the headquarters of the local Stadtwerke etc. are also on the other side of the town. The old town is, well, the commercial centre mostly and some offices of the Kreis are also located there. Of course some people live in the old town as well, but there is a reason why you have to choose between Altstadt and Siedlung while leaving the station.

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