~ / furiku / trips / in-alle-himmelsrichtungen / wessreis-2020 / arnhem

Airborne Arnhem

A relatively smaller city (of 160 thousand people) in the eastern part of the Netherlands, the capital of the province of Gelderland. Although not the largest one, it is a part of the Arnhem–Nijmegen metropolitan area (that also includes Nijmegen (177k people) and some adjacent municipalies, the plusregio regional structure was abolished in 2015, but these municipalities are still in the proximity). I was there only for a train transfer, but due to the proximity of the city centre and the railway station and the real compactness of the Dutch cities (like, really, these cities are well-planned and really compact) I was able to see something anyway. And the city is indeed really interesting – trolleybuses, the recent and earlier history, the crossroad on the routes between Nijmegen, Utrecht and Zuphten and also an important railway junction. Speaking of the railway junction, also check out Arnhem Centraal railway station.

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