~ / furiku / trips / in-alle-himmelsrichtungen / wessreis-2020 / cycling-in-the-city-of-utrecht

Cycling in the City of Utrecht

Dutch cities and villages are well-known for their cycling infrastructure. It allows for the safe and comfortable moving around on a bicycle, to commute, to do everyday chores, not just for fun or sport. It doesn't mean that the Dutch road engineering supremacy is just limited to the bike infrastructure, far from that. It is the model for safe and comfotable infrastructure for pedestrians and motorists as well. But this time – please, join me on my infrastructure sightseeing worth 10€ for 3 hours (yeah, tourist bike rental's expensive there, I have to bring my own bike next time… or maybe purchase one, Dutch bikes are better anyway).

To get some/more information about the topic of the infrastructure in the Netherlands, please visit:

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