~ / furiku / trips / let-me-be-your-guide / wessreis-2022 / duesseldorf


The city that is really proud to be the capital of the largest Bundesland in the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, as they remind you about that almost every time. It is more Landeshauptstadtish than Hansestadts are Hansestadtish, or something.

The city is known for its trade fair ground, Messe Düsseldorf (and the congress counterpart Convention Center Düsseldorf). It was founded in 1947, but moved to its current location in 1971, to the location that is close to the airport. It has a total exhibition space of 306 thousand m² (262.7 thousand m² indoors). Of course, this is where the DoKomi convention is held every years (including 2022). If you want to see how it looked like in 2022, please check my album: DoKomi 2022.

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