~ / furiku / trips / longer-trips / ukrekskursiya-2021 / stantsiya-1-kyiv / den-1

станція 1 – Київ – день 1
Station 1 – Kyiv – Day 1

The first day in Kyiv, so the need for a rather less focused sightseeing was immense. I've seen the presidential office (including the House if Chimeras), the Indepedence Square (you know, the Maidan everyone was talking about in 2014), the main city street Хрещатик (Khreshchatyk) with the city hall, the religious site of Pechersk, Національний музей історії України у Другій світовій війні (National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, just from the outside), including the Motherland Monument (Батьківщина-Мати, Batkivshchýna-Máty), took a walk in a residential area with many embassies and consulates and finished next to the metro station Печерська (Pecherska).

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