~ / furiku / trips / longer-trips / ukrekskursiya-2021 / stantsiya-1-kyiv / den-2-chornobyl-museum

станція 1 – Київ – день 2 – музей "Чорнобиль"
Station 1 – Kyiv – Day 2 – Chornobyl Museum

Ukrainian National Chernobyl Museum (Український національний музей "Чорнобиль", Ukrayinskyy natsionalnyy muzey "Chornobyl") is of course a museum dedicated to the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and its consequences. It houses an extensive collection of visual media, artifacts, scale models, and other representational items designed to educate the public about many aspects of the disaster. The museum occupies an early 20th-century building which formerly housed a fire brigade and was donated in 1992 by the State Fire Protection Guard. We were really lucky, because we were greeted by a Polish-speaking guide, who was one of the liquidators. With his extensive knowledge and experience, the visit was many times more interesting. BTW, the museum has received funding from the Japanese government, which is really visible inside.

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