~ / furiku / trips / longer-trips / ukrekskursiya-2021 / stantsiya-1-kyiv / den-3-kinets

станція 1 – Київ – день 3 – кінець
Station 1 – Kyiv – Day 3 – The end

We start the second part of the day on Troitska square, next to the Olimpiyskiy National Sports Complex (Національний спортивний комплекс "Олімпійський", Natsionalnyi sportovyi kompleks "Olimpiiskyi") and Kyiv National Operetta Theatre, but we shortly proceed to the last court – the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and through the streets of the Cherepanova Hora neighbourhood, I proceed to the Brodsky Synagoge. After a short walk around the neighbourhood and an inexpensive dinner we proceed to the last, but important point of the trip – the Golden Gate (Золоті ворота, Zoloti vorota), the main gate in the 11th century fortifications of Kyiv, the capital of Kyivan Rus'. It was named in imitation of the Golden Gate of Constantinople. The structure was dismantled in the Middle Ages, leaving few vestiges of its existence. It was rebuilt completely by the Soviet authorities in 1982, though no images of the original gates have survived. Via the Zoloti Vorota station we then move to Teatralna station for the last ride on the metro, to the railway station, for our sleeper train. Unfortunately, my photographic activity in the second station attracted attention of some rather unpleasant pickpockets, who stole 1900₴ from my wallet, my whole cash left (fortunately I still had the majority of money on the card). But still, after that we board our sleeper train to Kryvyi Rih.

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