~ / furiku / trips / longer-trips / ukrekskursiya-2021 / stantsiya-4-odessa / den-2-part-1

станція 4 – Одесса – день 2 – Частина 1
Station 4 – Odessa – Day 2 – Part 1

The second day, even judging by the sheer number of photos shoot, was twice as packed. After we have left our rather worse than average hotel and left our luggage in the storage room at the station we decided that enough is enough and after the breakfast we took the tram to another district of the city. I mean, you can't say that you have been somewhere if you have just seen the city centre, especially the one that is focused on tourists. After a quaint tram cafe, some planes, an Orthodox church, a nice park and an old Soviet sports hall/palace, we took the trolleybus back to the city centre, but the city centre that is meant for locals.

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