~ / furiku / trips / longer-trips / ukrekskursiya-2021 / stantsiya-4-odessa / den-2-part-2

станція 4 – Одесса – день 2 – Частина 2
Station 4 – Odessa – Day 2 – Part 2

The second part of the day starts in another Orthodox church, later followed by palace next to the shore, some quaint parts of the city centre and a tram to the most interesting location… that is a tram terminus somewhere in the north, next to the motorway. After a short walk through a park we decided to catch another tram, but the electrical substation has broken after a few stops, yay. For the very end of the day we proceeded to the eastern coast to see a cable car... from the ground level, as we were too late to actually catch it. Well, at least we've seen a Greek-Catholic cathedral.

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