~ / furiku / trips / longer-trips / a-rusty-golden-train-2021 / 7-klodzko

Kłodzko (Glatz) – the Little Prague

Kłodzko County is a subregion of its own, with its history as an Grafschaft Glatz, partially independent during its existence, it used to be widely understood by the people living there as a different thing, on the border between Bohemia and Silesia (it even used to be a part of Archdiocese of Prague until 1972, but it was mostly managed by Großdechant (The Great Dean of) Glatz, because of course it was, it's a larger terittory far away from Prague), after the II World War due to the changes in population this identity was damaged, but now it's in a process of regeneration, which is obviously a great news for every regionalist, like myself. Funny thing is that after the war Czechoslovakia tried to occupy this territory and incorporate it. The region used to be an important trading and mining point when it was connected to Bohemia, yet during the Prussian rule it evolved into a tourist destination.

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