~ / furiku / trips / let-me-be-your-guide / londonshire-2020 / day-2-chapter-3-royal-borough-of-greenwich-london-boroughs-of-tower-hamlets-and-newham-city-of-london-and-london-boroughs-of-southwark-and-camden

Day 2 – Chapter 3 – Royal Borough of Greenwich, London Borough of Newham, City of London and London Boroughs of Southwark and Camden

The last chapter of the day 2 is so short and full of boroughs due to the fact that I lost my RAWs (and JPGs) made using my camera on the second day, with only the first two chapters completely finished and exported. This is a huge loss and I still have hope that maybe I'll find it miraculously in some forgotten backup, but nonetheless, this is what was left on my phone. Fortunately, as the battery in the camera was quite low, I have a number of photos from the City of London etc. made using solely my mobile phone camera. These are presented here.

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